Saturday, March 14, 2015

Evaluate 1.1.1 Formative Assessment Forum

Consider the best means of developing and delivering assessments, projects, and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assess learning progress by measuring student achievement of learning goals. How might a teacher employ ways to assess student readiness for course content and method of delivery? 
By using a formative assessment the instructor can sample what the students know before giving the assignment and then modify as necessary.  These formative assessments can also influence he pacing of assignments and when they should be given. 

To demonstrate this, create a formative assessment in a demo course you are creating. Post a link to the assessment in your blog.

For example, before writing a final research paper, I would have the students complete a Works Cited page, and outline of the assignment. 
On the link to a course that I currently teach, one can see the sequence of curriculum that culminates in the final research paper.

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