Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Create 2.1.3 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Differentiate Student Assessment Forum is a tool that I use to 1) prevent plagiarism, and 2) provide feedback to students.

First, the program is perhaps most famous because of its ability scour the internet to match student work with existing documents.  Obviously this can catch and in hopefully more cases prevent plagiarism.  By doing so we not only ensure that students are doing their own work, but also protect the academic integrity of the class for other students who do not cheat.

Second, and perhaps a lesser know use for is that it provides an automatic online portfolio and repository for student work as the assignments and student work becomes a permanent part of the data based.

Finally, the program also allows for feedback and even provides a grammar/spell check of student work.  The feedback consists of generic comments that can be cut/pasted into the paper with specific explanations of how to improve based upon the comment.  Also the teacher can include more personal feedback in the form of comments on the students' papers.

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