Monday, March 9, 2015

Create 3.1.2 Fair Use and the TEACH Act Quest

  • How does an understanding of Fair Use affect one’s role as an online instructor?

The checklists suggests that the online educator needs to be responsible, and understand what makes a work used as Fair Use.  Essentially, the concept of Fair Use suggests that the intention of using a work helps to determine if it is Fair or not.  For example, using something for profit or some type of gain prevents it from being fair, but if used for scholarship, it tends to be more fair use.  There are also more pragmatic concerns such as which part of a work is cited, or whether or not the work's central part is covered in class.  Ultimately, Fair Use allows for educators to use selected resources, if they behave in accordance with ethical standards.  

  • How do Fair Use and the TEACH Act correlate to the delivery of reliable content?

The TEACH Act's applications to face to face instruction have been more generous than to online education.  Essentially, in a face to face environment, Section 110 of the TEACH Act allows for presentation of any sources despite the medium; however, although there is an attempt with Section 110(2) of the TEACH Act to allow the same liberties to online education, it is not as generous.  Although some content might be delivered, there are also several questions that need to be addressed in order to ensure that the use is Fair.  

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