Friday, February 20, 2015

Navigate 3.2.1 Tools for Deciding on an LMS

For the last 10 years, I have worked with the following LMS systems.  All were fairly intuitive, and once I got used to working within one platform, I found that it met my needs as an educator.  I have ranked them in the order of my preference, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

1.  ecollege: I really liked the simple interface of this, and the fact that student submissions were automatically archived along with my comments.  Every time I would submit feedback to a student, there would be a record that I submitted the feedback--I find that with other platforms the record is not so clear and direct.  I miss using this streamlined and easy to use platform.

2. Angel: although this is now acquired by Blackboard, I still prefer the ease of the interface over Blackboard, which I have a difficult time getting used to.  I find that for course construction Angel is difficult to transcend, especially if all of the content has been established before-hand.

3.  Blackboard: ironically both the intuitions that I taught for abandoned ecollege and Angel for Blackboard, so I have gotten used to it, even though I don't prefer it.  I am guessing that this is sort of how Mac users feel about the Windows and how it still dominates the world computing.  Blackboard will do anything that you want it to do, but sometimes the interface can be a little confusing, and a bit cluttered.

4.  Desire2learn: the courses that I have used with this system have required physical uploading of documents in word rather than cut/pasting them.  Also the grade book is a bit cumbersome.


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