Monday, February 23, 2015

Communicate 2.1.3 – Ongoing Communication Quest

Integrating the ideas presented in Communicate: Stakeholders quests, create a blog post in which you discuss reasons why effective communication remains an essential part of online instruction. In the blog post, create an example of an ongoing communication that could be sent to all stakeholders.

Often times communication to the entire class can be an effective way to help foster the learning process.  For example, by using the Course Announcements, the instructor can make information available to the entire class and make it easy for students to stay focused.  

An example of an effective communication might be as simple as the following: 

  • All work for Assignment 3 has been scored and returned.  If you don't understand you your score, or if you have not received your work back, then please contact me.  I want to make sure that I haven't missed the assignment. 
  • This week you will be completing Steps 1 and 2 for the Research Paper.  Please make sure that your draft is submitted by Feb 28th at 11:59 pm. 
  • Overall the quality of the work was excellent with the last assignment--please look at the following praises and suggestions: 
  1. Praise: great topics, interesting use of textual evidence, as a whole the class understand Shakespeare
  2. Suggestions: work to include more focused quotations (i.e. 3-10 words), and try to mention specific literary elements especially syntax. 
By using weekly announcements, the instructor can create a more obvious instructor presence in the course room and give the room more traditional touchstones that the students are used to. 

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