Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Jigsaw Badge Assignment 101

After finishing the training video, I now have a better understanding of how to use assets, and where each type can go.  I tend to prefer more minimal presentation modes so I was happy to see that the panes can be changed from two to four; this tends to fit my presentation style more than having four open at once, especially when I can generally only use one at a time.  I also like the feature that allows me to upload documents, links, etc in both the panes as well as the sidebar.  I have been using the course room to upload these documents, but now I can have one more area for student convenience.  Also the fact that these can be available here will help students to not need to log out of the presentation to gain access to whatever document I am discussing.  Generally, I prefer to discuss as I am presenting, and with a course like AP English this is of paramount importance.  Likewise, I also use word / google doc templates for writing instruction, so this feature will help me to provide immediate access to whatever I am discussing with my students.

In with the video I have show the viewer the five assets that I created and provided tags for (I have tagged them by the unit with which they correspond).  I have demonstrated the use of a weblink to the College Board's AP English Literature Web page--at this time of the year (i.e. AP Exam prep time) I find this a useful place for students who are in need of preparing for the AP final exam in May.

Screencast for Assignment 101: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cFfbYGbnqF

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