Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Forum Participate: 2.1.1 Collecting Reputable Digital Resources Quest

Forum Participate: 2.1.1 Collecting Reputable Digital Resources Quest

After I began this assignment, I realized that there are three digital resources that I frequently use and these probably form 80% of my curriculum choices with what I share with my students. 

I.  College  As an AP and Honors English teacher, this digital resources has been the foundation of my teaching for the last 10 years.  I enjoy the assessments that are provided, sample syllabi, and lesson plans submitted by other AP and Honors English teachers.  Now that the College Board has also been a major player with the push for the Common Core in ELA instruction, the content of this digital resource has assumed another level of importance.  Their new series "Springboarding" into both ELA and math Common Core at all grade levels should be of interest to all teachers of these two disciplines.  

II.  ProquestK-12.  Those who have completed graduate level work are probably familiar with this comprehensive digital resource.  But the program goes beyond college level, and all the way through K-12 education.  Their SIRS Knowledge Source provides full text articles, the Lexile score of each article, a comprehensive list of research topics, correct MLA and APA citations for the articles.  As an ELA teacher this program has helped many of my students write academically based research papers and presentations.  

III.  Great Books and Classics Online.  I have to confess that I am a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to teaching literature.  Carol Jago once made the astute comment that it's the books that the students won't, don't and can't read on their own that we need to teach them, not the ones that they can.  With this said, I try to supply my students with classic texts of literature, philosophy, science, social sciences, and science.  These books generally have advanced ideas, excellent writing, and challenge even the best students.  Because many of these books are extremely dense, often a single focused paragraph can provide an entire class worth of discussion and analysis.  This web page provides a systematic review of the world's "greatest" authors, and complete texts.  All for free.  This is the library that I always dreamed of having as a kid, right on my laptop. 


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